Rewards of a Nighttime Shoot

Date: 04.13.24
Time: 6 PM to 9:30 PM

Location: Bachhuber Loop
Birds Spotted: Northern Shoveler, Barn Swallows, Red-winged Blackbird, Sandhill Crane, Canadian Geese
Animals: River Otter
Photos Taken: 158
Keepers: 30

Sometimes my commitment wavers. Don’t get me wrong, I am fully dedicated to this project. But to do it justice, I must sacrifice sleep, brave the cold, and alter my usual shooting schedule. I adore nighttime photography yet detest the cold and loss of sleep. Fortunately, external motivation arrived in the form of two enthusiastic companions for my first nighttime shoot on this project. One is an avid night sky photographer—unlike me, his dedication never falters.

You know that feeling when you enjoy something but rarely do it? Being reminded of the stunning spectacle Horicon Marsh offers at sunset was all the motivation I needed. It felt like we were all rewarded for making the effort, and now I’m more inspired than ever to visit at various times. Spoiler alert: tomorrow’s shoot is at dawn and sunrise.

Our efforts were rewarded not just with stunning photos, but also with otters! I wasn’t quick enough to capture both in one frame. The geese watching them cross the path had a better view than I did. I managed to snap one decent photo of them, though.

Wondering how I identified them as river otters? Initially, I wasn’t sure—they could have been muskrats. The tail was the decisive factor. After comparing images of each, the unique tail of the otter became clear. Identification confirmed! But, if you think I’m mistaken, feel free to correct me.