The More You Appreciate Nature, The More It Rewards You

Date: 5.6.2024

Time: 5 pm to 8:30 pm

Location: Egert Trail, Ledge Road Public Fishing spot, Visitor Center
Birds Spotted: Egrets, American Pelican, Blue Wing Teal, Mallard Ducks, Barn Swallows, Red-winged Blackbird, Sandhill Crane, Canadian Geese
Animals: Turtles, chipmunks
Photos Taken: 499
Keepers: 98

The more you immerse yourself in nature, the richer the rewards. I had set my hopes on spotting an egret—just one would have made my day. When we first came across that solitary egret, I felt a wave of gratitude wash over me. As I photographed this graceful creature, I found myself silently repeating ‘thank you,’ as if trying to project my appreciation through sheer will. It might sound a bit over the top, but believe me, it felt even more intense in my head.

Little did I know that within the next 20 minutes, I would encounter at least two dozen more egrets, even closer this time. And as if that wasn’t spectacular enough, they were accompanied by over 75 American pelicans—a sight beyond my wildest expectations. These numbers are just from what I could tally in my photos. The impact of that moment was profound: There’s an entire world unfolding within our own, more captivating than any drama found in books, movies, or TV shows. There are battles, dramas, and moments of pure grace, yet none of it affects my psyche like the human world does. Can you imagine living as they do?

The day concluded with a spectacular sunset, the magic continuing as we watched pelicans and ducks glide into the colorful horizon. Honestly, no picture I take could ever truly capture the essence of that experience.